Sunday, March 4, 2012

21st Century Learning

I think this video shows I'm one of those Star Wars nerds, I hope you enjoy Episode IV.2!


  1. Wow, Brandon - you've got a lot going on in your lab/classroom. I like how you demonstrated some of the programs on screen. It must have taken you a long time to input all of your technology (apps, games, etc.) And, I was almost ready to comment that the list was too long, but then The Who song saved you. One of my faves.
    Ciao. Jenny

  2. I loved the Star Wars theme--especially the name More New Hope. The only problem I had was that I couldn't really read what was scrolling. A lot of it was fuzzy but I'm not sure if that was my computer or your posting. But it was obvious, as Jenny said, that you have lot going on! Very cool.

  3. This is awesome- so creative and clever. You really took this assignment and made it your own. It does seem like you have many resources available in your classroom and your school, which is great. Nice job :)

  4. From one Star Wars nerd to another - great job. I agree the yellow letters were a little hard to see. I wish my school had the technology your school does. I'm jealous.
